Prostitution has been an accepted as a profession in Holland as far back as the Middle Ages. The church tolerated prostitutes and viewed them as a necessary element of everyday life. Beginning in the 16th century, this laissez-faire attitude towards prostitution changed with Spanish rule and, as a result, the practice of prostitution took place in a specific part of the city of Amsterdam. During the 17th and 18th centuries, society turned a blind eye towards prostitution in Amsterdam, provided that it was out of sight.
The beginning of the 19th century witnessed the beginning of regulation in the sex industry, and prostitutes were required to register with the city and were also to undergo periodic medical examinations as a hedge against sexually transmitted diseases of that era. There followed an ambiguous time when there were different rules and regulations enforced, culminating in the outright legalization of prostitution as a profession in 1988.
The legalization of prostitution in Amsterdam benefits both the workers and their clients alike. The workers are now eligible for the same fundamental rights as any other worker, including unionization, unemployment and disability benefits. The prostitutes also have access to unlimited testing for STDs, so the rate of infection is practically non-existent.
The benefits of legalization for clients are many. Notwithstanding the constant STD testing, legalization has legitimized the profession to the extent that there is now a completely different caliber of women working in the industry. While there are still the storefront girls and the brothels in operation, there are now also professional escorts available for the more discerning client.
Escorts in Amsterdam are the most beautiful women in the world, bar none. The women come from all over Europe, hailing from exotic locations like Russia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Ireland, and Spain. These women are not only adorable, but their bodies are also flawless and toned so that when they get undressed, clients know that they are in for something extraordinary.
The knowledge of Amsterdam escorts regarding sexual activity is limitless, and they leverage this expertise to deliver sexual gratification that is unparalleled in the world today. Amsterdam escorts are the stuff that sexual fantasies come from and an evening with one of them is as memorable as anything that a client has experienced in their lifetime.
Discretion is a part of the job that an Amsterdam escort is trained in and takes very seriously. These women understand their clients are often businessmen and high-level functionaries on an international level that require strict privacy and confident competency. The escorts are highly intelligent, courteous, and considerate of their client’s confidentiality.
Professional escorts are available as an outcall service and will come to a hotel to meet their client. While they specialize in providing incredibly rewarding sexual experiences, these women are also sophisticated enough that their company is enjoyable in and of itself.
For example, a client might want to explore not only the Red Light district but the city as a whole, and these gorgeous women are the perfect companions to visit museums, galleries or to take on a canal cruise. A client can bring these women out to a nice restaurant, go dancing and then head back to the hotel for a night of sensual pleasures beyond description.